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The Dutch Passport: Your Key to the World and the European Union!

The Dutch passport is not just any travel document. In 2023, it is considered one of the most powerful passports in the world. With this passport, you can visit a whopping 188 countries without a visa. Imagine: the bustling streets

of Tokyo, the idyllic beaches of the Seychelles, the majestic mountains of

New Zealand, and the historic ruins of Greece, all within reach without the

hassle of a visa application.

A Citizen of the European Union
One of the most notable benefits of owning a Dutch passport is that you

automatically become a citizen of the European Union. This means

unrestricted access to and residence in all 27 EU member states. Whether

you want to work in Berlin, study in Paris, or retire in sunny Spain, with a

Dutch passport, it's all possible.

Why is the Dutch passport so valuable?

- Visa-Free Access: Travel to 188 countries without the hassle of

   visa applications.
- Access to the EU: Enjoy the rights and privileges of being anEU citizen.

- Global Recognition: Experience smooth passage at border controls and immigration thanks to
  the global recognition of the Dutch passport.

- Safety: The passport is equipped with advanced security features that counteract identity theft
  and fraud.Are you interested in more travel tips and tricks or want to know moreabout the benefits
  of the Dutch passport? Contact us for more information.

     Discover the world and the European Union with!

Navigating Immigration: Your Guide to Seamless Transitions

Netherlands Welcomes More New Citizens in 2023

By December 1st, nearly 48,000 people have been naturalized in the Netherlands, an increase from last year. This rise highlights the Netherlands' openness to new citizens. Discover more about the trends and preparations of the IND for the future. 

IND Adjusts Fees for 2023: More Affordable and Efficient Residency

Starting January 1, 2023, new adjusted fees for residency applications in the Netherlands will be in effect. This change equalizes and reduces costs, especially for applications like self-employment and humanitarian grounds. Discover the benefits of these changes and how they contribute to stronger residency rights. 

Toename Internationale Studenten in Nederland: IND Reageert Snel

De IND meldt een stijging in het aantal internationale studenten dat naar Nederland komt. Dit jaar zijn er tot juli 17.870 aanvragen voor een studieverblijfsvergunning ontvangen, 1.200 meer dan vorig jaar. Om studenten een goede start te bieden, verwerkt de IND deze aanvragen vóór het nieuwe studiejaar. Ontdek hoe de IND samenwerkt met onderwijsinstellingen en zorgt voor een efficiënte afhandeling van deze aanvragen.